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* Standard profile

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Cumiana Gomme

Business type: Services
Business type: Importer, Exporter,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro 5.000.000 – 10.000.000
Established year: 1990


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Firm Rank: 0

We're leading company located in North Italy 200 km from French and Swiss border. Our warehouses are well connected with the main seaport of Genova. We have our own shops as well we distribute brand like Michelin, Goodyear, Dunlop, Continental, Uniroyal, Pirelli, Bridgestone and meny other.

We've big stock warehouses of PCR, UHP, LTR, OTR, TBR and motorcycle tyres.

Address data

Street:via Torino 54
Postal code:10040
Phone: +39 0121 9070421
Fax: +39 0121 4469923


Contact person

Name and Surname: Germano Delessandri
Phone: +39 0121 374113
Mobile: +38 3805024618
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